Featured News

New Claim and PNF Plan Of Operations Extension!!

New Claim

Featured News is a public facing page so I can't give you details here, so let's have a treasure hunt to find it in the members only section... just kidding... go to Resources -> Claim Maps and click on Map 8.

When you download it, you can replace the info and map pages in your map packet. No need to download the entire map packet again, now with the web site you can just download the maps that change when they change.

Plan Of Operations Extension

Prescott National Forest has extended our Plan Of Operations for another year. The paperwork is included at the end of the posted map packet, however if you already have a current map packet, your can find the extension paperwork by itself on the claim maps page. Just print it off and add it to the back of your map packet. Remember to always carry your map packet when you are prospecting on our claims!

Read the Message Boards for more member only information!

Not the claim, but a hint of where it is

Miner of the Month!

The 2023 Miner of the Year is...
Karla Phillips!
North Country Claims Maintenance and Marking has been conscientiously attended to by Karla Phillips. Karla's Crew include her husband Michael, George and Laura Johnson, Chuck & Sheryal Gentles, Jim Munson, Cody and Crystal Bennett. Honorable mention to Super Dog "Mosey"! Karla arranged for larger groups for road repairs and clearing including extensive chain saw work for obstructions and dangerous falling trees along Wolf Creek Claims Map 6 . 
Crooks Canyon, Map 18 was more than problematic. 
Here's Karla's description. "We climbed steep, thorny, slippery, brush clogged dangerous slopes dragging re-bar, pole and hammer. All of us fell at least once on the slopes and we all have tears from the thorns". Determination and success! Doing all this Karla discovered a need for additional boundary signs. Karla submitted a supply list to enable exact equipment to be assembled at the Roadrunner Office for efficiency on upcoming tasks. Her superior management skills made this all very doable. Everything Karla undertook was completed at 110%. 
One last story, Karla even lassoed a RRPC sign tossed down a well. These are just a few examples of all the amazing work Karla has accomplished! Karla Phillips, Roadrunner Prospectors' Club is forever grateful for your efforts! 

The July Miner of the Month is...
Bill Southern!

    Bill Southern (the Nugget Shooter) is a huge asset to the RRPC. His multiple appearances as our guest speaker are always very well done and much appreciated.

    He has referred many new members to our club, and his YouTube videos have helped many of our metal detecting members to get more gold!

    Congrats and thank you Bill!

    2023 Annual VIP Winners

    Claims Maintenance: Karla Phillips
    Office/Outings Support: Jeff Roman
    Meeting Support: Les Glover
    Steward of the Land: Mark Vaughn

    The Latest VIP Raffle Winners

    June VIP Winners
    Claims Maintenance: None this Month
    Office/Outings Support: Jeff Roman
    Meeting Support: JP Pritchard
    Steward of the Land: Kent Erickson

    Long Term Raffle Winners!

    ...and the winner of the
    A&B Prospecting Gift Card is....
    Sheryal Gentles!!

    Check out the RAFFLE page to find out what the next raffle will be.

    ...and the winner of the June
    1/4oz nugget is....
    Lisa Sumner!!

    The next 1/4oz nugget sales will start in July for a drawing in September.
    You can view it on the RAFFLE page.

    ...and the winner of the
    Gold Coin is....
    Pedro de Silva!

    The next coin has been purchased and can be viewed on the RAFFLE PAGE.